Glenpool’s Jalissa Merril, once a Max Preps Player of the Week in Oklahoma, is always looking to improve on the soccer field.
“My personal goal for the season is to outplay myself compared to last season,” Merril said. “I think a team goal for us is to communicate, helping us succeed during this season. “I think I’ve improved on my ball control skills and seeing up the field, being able to make plays and pass the ball off to where it’s needed.”
Going one-on-one is one of Merril’s biggest strengths.
“Taking people 1-on-1 and placing myself in the gaps, high school soccer helped me see the open gaps and where to be,” she said.
A former coach has been Merril’s biggest influence.
Who has been your biggest influence and why when it comes to soccer?
“His daughter is one of my current teammates, and he’s trained me to who I am today,” she said.
Following her time at Glenpool, Merril plans to attend trade classes and get certified in different fields. She also wants to go to a four-year school and study business.